Yakama Nation Wildlife Images
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation Wildlife, Range & Vegetation Resources Management Program



2007 Wildlife Camp Photos, Girls Week

2007 Wildlife Camp Photos, Boys Week

2006 Wildlife Camp Photos

2005 Wildlife Camp Photos


History of the Wildlife Youth Camp

The first annual Wildlife Youth Camp took place in August 2005, and continued in 2006 and 2007. We have been able to help over 60 kids, 13-18 year old boys and girls, attend this five day camp. The Wildlife Youth Camp includes outdoor activities, including wildlife field trips, cultural activities, and recreational activities. Students have the opportunity to view and work with a number of wildlife species such as ducks, mountain goats, frogs, butterflies, and others. Cultural activities includes archery, crafts, and making fishing and hunting tools. Recreational activities included swimming, rafting, hiking, and sports. In 2007, we received a generous grant from the Yakima Valley Community Foundation, to help us in our efforts to bring kids and nature together. Thank you!

Objectives of Camp

There are four main objectives of the Wildlife Youth Camp:

    *Promote and develop cultural education and awarenss with focus on teenage youth;

    *Provide leadership and encouragement for professional and post-secondary educational development;

    *Build awareness of future natural resource protection, enhancement, and sustainability;

    *Develop and build personal and social skills for individuals who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the land and its abundant natural and cultural resources.

Description of Camp

Our Wildlife Youth Camp is available to 14-17 year old girls and boys. The camp is available to all Native American youths. A maximum of thirty girls and boys are selected to attend a one-week long camp. Keep posted for details on the 2008 camp.

How to Enroll

An application must be filled out by the parent or guardian and youth(s). Contact Sandra at (509) 865-5121, x6307, for more information, or stop by our office to pick up or drop off an application.

Applications for 2008 now available through the end of July 2008. Applications can be picked up at the following locations :

  • Available at Camp Chaparral office.
  • White Swan Substation
  • YN Housing Office in Wapato
  • YN Agency at the operators desk
  • YN Wildlife Office